Resources » Food Service

Food Service

It is extremely important that we have ALL our FCA Prosper families fill out the School Meal Application as we transition back to charging for our school breakfast and lunch meals.
To access the School Meal Application, please log in to your Family Access Skyward Account.  On your home page, locate and select the "Food Service Applications" tile (near the middle of the home page).  On the next page, locate and select "Start New Application" in the upper right section of the screen.  From here, follow the instructions from page to page.  Submit the form on the final screen, and you are done!  If you need to step away from the application and finish later, there is a "Save and Complete Later" option on every page.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Bethany Jones, CNP Coordinator at [email protected].

We are so excited to welcome our students back to the cafeteria for the 2023-2024 school year!  There have been a few important changes made to the program this year:

Out with the old, and in with the new … we will no longer be using barcode cards for our students purchasing food!  Moving forward, we are required to use a keypad system.  What does this mean for our students?  Every student who is purchasing food (whether it be breakfast, lunch, or a la carte items) will need to memorize their student number, and be able to type it onto the keypad by themself.  This number can be found on Skyward under the “Student Profile” tile.


Parents, it would help your student and our staff tremendously if your student could have this number memorized before school starts.  There is a keypad worksheet attached to this ParentSquare for you to print and help your student practice.

Breakfast will still cost $2.50, and the lunch price has been adjusted to $4.25 this year.  A la carte items (chips, cookies, ice cream) will still be offered for 3rd - 10th grades, and the selections available will vary.

Things that haven’t changed … the Free and Reduced Lunch Program is still being offered. We encourage all of our Founders families to fill out a meal application. To see if your student(s) qualify for Free or Reduced Meals, please select the "Food Service Application" Tile on your Skyward Family Account and add an application (you can select this option in the upper righthand corner of the page).

Reduced prices for meals this year will be $0 (free) for breakfast, and $0.40 for lunch.

The process to add money to your student’s account has not changed for this year; we still utilize RevTrak and instructions for this can be found here:

Food Service Fee Instructions.docx

All student account balances (both negative and positive) WILL carry over to the 2023-2024 school year.  If your student has a negative balance, please be aware that they will start the year being served an alternative (brown bag) lunch which will continue until their balance has been paid.

As always, if you have any questions, please reach out to Bethany Jones, our CNP Coordinator, at [email protected].

FCA Prosper Food Service Menu
As a reminder, these menus can change depending on deliveries.