Resources » Attendance


If you have a student who will be sick or if you need to send doctor's notes, please email one of the following emails depending on your student's grade.  Please make sure that your email has your student's name, grade, and teacher.




If your student will be picked up early from school, please email this email address. Please make sure that your email has your student's name, grade, and teacher.  We are also asking that you call the school 30 minutes before you will be here.  The latest you may pick up your student is 2:30.


Important Notes

  • Three consecutive absences must have a doctor's note to be excused. Please email us, or fax notes to 
  • When pulling a student for a doctor's appointment, please email the front office at least 2 hours in advance of pickup time.  We also ask that you call the front desk 30 minutes before you arrive.
  • Please note: All students must be signed out by an authorized parent/contact. Please have your ID ready. The cut-off time for pickup is 2:30 p.m.